about us

Numbers Don’t Lie

We at NAPHJAS are a team of professionals with an intensive experience of more than 12 years in financial markets across all the products. We are a team of highly qualified and certified professionals who work following highest ethical standards and adhere to the regulations of various regulators. Our  motto is to bring smiles on as many faces as we can. Our objective is to make your life simpler, happier and worries free, by making optimum use of the available financial resources and help you grow them further. We have experience resulting into expertise to plan your financial life. We provide customized and personalised financial solutions, what ever it may be, your comprehensive financial planning or a specific financial goal based planning. What makes us different from others is that we don’t only plan rather we leave no stone unturned to assist you regularly to ensure the desired result of your plan is achieved. We are firm believers of strong mutual relationships, for us our clients are not just another number, we don’t dwell upon the fees earned we work for the happiness we get when our clients achieve their financial goals and lead a worries free happy life. 






Crore AUM




Business Strategies

In a complex world, as the number of options for investing increases, so does the volume of information that is available about the financial world. With this entire information overload, advice has never been more important. 

We developed many processes like AA, TRUI and SGRTA, which help you make clearer and easier decisions so you can live better. Whatever your financial goals may be, we are committed to providing you with the customized solution with our processes. So that you will enjoy life today with the safety of planned tomorrow.

At NAPHJAS we believe a person should be wealthier rather than rich because being rich is having money and being wealthy is having time.

We are a team of highly qualified and internationally certified financial planner building long-term relationships with clients to give them the confidence to make sound financial decisions at every stage of their lives from more than 12 years. We conduct our business in a way that emphasizes good governance, operational integrity, and ethical practices adhered to the regulations of various regulators. Our passion is to empower people to enjoy life today while still planning for tomorrow.

Our motto is to bring smiles on as many faces as we can. Our objective is to make your life simpler, happier and worries free, by making optimum use of the available financial resources and help you grow them further.

As “Our motto is to bring smiles on as many faces as we can”, to achieve this we also develop and help existing and new financial advisor with training and guidance. Our outsourcing of developed processes like AA, TRUI and SGRTA help them to make clearer and easier decisions for their clients.

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